Modern Slavery Policy


Hudor Cleaning Services is devoted to ensure that we minimise the risk of modern slavery and the potential exposure to risks involved with human rights by strengthening our risk assessment program and aligning all capable policies towards the objectives of The Modern Slavery Act 2018.

Policy Statement

The company recognises the importance of protecting human rights and is committed to protecting the rights of all people (including its employees, the communities in which the company operates, those who may be impacted by its activities, and those within its supply chains) by opposing all forms of slavery and forced labour in its operations and the operations of its suppliers.

We recognise that modern slavery can occur in many forms, and are committed to operating responsibly and establishing and adhering to the highest ethical standards by not tolerating any forms of slavery or human trafficking in our business operations and supply chains.

Aims and Objectives

The company supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and place a high priority on supporting the goal of decent work and economic growth while working towards the eradication of modern slavery, and we require our contractors and suppliers to support the company in the achievement of the aims and objectives of this policy.

We are fully committed to ensuring that robust frameworks and processes are in place to minimise the risk of the many forms of modern slavery, including servitude, human trafficking, forced labour, (including forced marriages), debt bondage, child labour, and deceptive recruiting for labour or services.


Senior management is to provide oversight and work collaboratively with suppliers to ensure that the expectations and standards of the company are understood and that potential exposure to human rights risks is minimised.

Contractors and suppliers are expected to support the company in the achievement of the aims and objectives of this policy, and to comply with the company’s policies and standards on human rights, ethical business practices, safety and environment.

Staff and workers have a responsibility to ensure that goods and services supplied and provided to the company are sourced from suppliers and service providers who hold the same values and principles in relation to promotion of human rights and the eradication of modern slavery, and to raise any issues or suspicions of non-compliance with company management for determination.

The steps of developing the modern slavery act action plan

We will assess and mitigate Modern Slavery risk by;

  • Undertaking due diligence and a risk analysis in respect of its supply chain.
  • Internal Modern slavery act awareness-raising and training: Set out clear rules, standards and expectations within the entity in relation to human rights and modern slavery.
  • Review supplier practices and vendor monitoring.
  • Implementing the differences extracted through MSA to existing supplier agreements.
  • Amendments to standard template contracts to take account of the new law.
  • Conducts independent, unannounced audits of its operations and suppliers: Provide a consistent and clear framework for how the entity will respond to any known or suspected occurrences of modern slavery that are identified within the entity’s supply chain, including grievance mechanisms, remediation options and communication strategies.

Breach of this policy may be regarded as misconduct, leading to disciplinary action which may result in termination of employment or engagement. An individual may also be exposed to criminal or civil liability for a breach of relevant legislation.

For and on behalf of Hudor Cleaning Services

Mohan Perera
General Manager
(Last reviewed 09/2021)