Anti-Corruption Policy


Hudor is committed to ensuring that all aspects of its business and operations are carried out in a fair, honest and ethical manner at all times, and will strive to ensure that all persons working for the company maintain highest standards of business practice by acting fairly and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships, and by not engaging in any practice that may be designed to influence persons to act dishonestly in the performance or discharge of their duty.

Aims and Objectives

We will ensure that all persons engaged by the company (including consultants, contractors and service providers) are instructed in the company’s position regarding bribery, corruption and malpractice in business dealings, and that the company will not:

  • make contributions of any kind with the purpose of gaining any commercial advantage
  • provide gifts or hospitality with the intention of persuading anyone to act improperly, or to influence a public official in the performance of their duties, or
  • make or accept ‘kickbacks’ of any kind.

This policy does not prohibit giving and receiving promotional gifts of low value, or normal or appropriate hospitality.


The company will:

  • keep appropriate internal records that will evidence the business reason for making any payments to third parties
  • encourage employees to raise concerns about any issue or suspicion of corruption or malpractice at the earliest possible stage, and
  • ensure that anyone raising a concern about bribery or corruption does not suffer any detriment as a result (even if they turn out to be mistaken).

Persons working for the company (in any capacity) must not:

  • accept any financial or other reward from any person in return for providing some favour
  • request a financial or other reward from any person in return for providing some favour
  • offer any financial or other reward from any person in return for providing some favour.

We will uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which we operate. Bribery and corruption are punishable for individuals by up to ten years imprisonment and a fine. If we are found to have taken part in corruption, we could face an unlimited fine, be excluded from tendering for public contracts and face damage to our reputation. We therefore, take our legal responsibilities very seriously.

Breach of this policy may be regarded as misconduct, leading to disciplinary action, which may result in termination of employment or engagement. An individual may also be exposed to criminal or civil liability for a breach of relevant legislation. We reserve our right to terminate our contractual relationship with other workers if they breach this policy.

For and on behalf of Hudor Cleaning Services

Mohan Perera
General Manager
(Last reviewed 09/2021)