Equal Opportunity Policy

Policy Statement

It is the intention of Hudor Cleaning Services to provide a workplace that is fair and equitable for all workers, and where all individuals and groups will be treated with respect and equality. We recognise that any distinction, exclusion or preference which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation constitutes an offence under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act.

Aims and Objectives

We will strive to ensure that no person is discriminated against on any of the grounds listed in this policy in regards to equality of opportunity in employment within the company, and that this policy will also extend to persons providing or wishing to provide goods or services to the company.


We, as a company, will adopt procedures to ensure that equality of opportunity is extended to all persons regardless of the following grounds:

  • Age.
  • Disability (including intellectual, physical or psychiatric) whether actual or perceived, and either present or past
  • Marital Status.
  • Race, colour, nationality or ethnicity.
  • Sex, sexuality, sexual preference or pregnancy.

Workers are expected to:

  • Assist and cooperate in ensuring that this policy is followed, and
  • Actively participate in the adherence of this company to the achievement of the aims and objectives of this policy.

The following principles underpin our approach.

  • All employees are employed based on merit and are entitled to work in an environment free of harassment and victimisation.
  • We will hire the best-qualified person available for the job without regard to their race,
  • colour, national origin, age, sex, marital or parental status, religion, political conviction,
  • impairment or sexual preference.
  • We will appraise and promote employees based on an objective assessment of performance and potential.

Breaches of this policy may be regarded as misconduct, leading to disciplinary action, which may result in termination of employment or engagement. An individual may also be exposed to criminal or civil liability for a breach of relevant legislation.

For and on behalf of Hudor Cleaning Services

Mohan Perera
General Manager
(Last reviewed 09/2021)